Sisters of the Desert Sun - Balancing Work/Life/Family and Managing Stress
Sisters of the Desert Sun is dedicating March, Women's History Month, to all of the overworked, underpaid, stressed out women out there. Our meeting will be focused on balancing work/life/family and various methods to relieve stress. Members are asked to select one of the four books listed below and be ready to discuss some conventional and unconventional wisdom, or share the humor and laugh.
Here is our March list. To My Assistant: Things I'll Never Do to You But Many Other Crazy Bosses Will by Lydia Whitlock; How to Work for an Idiot: Survive and Thrive Without Killing Your Boss by John Hoover; Rude Health: Jokes for Doctors, Nurses; and the Medical Minded by Adrian Besley; and Time Management from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern. For more information about this and other meetings contact us at or visit us on Facebook, Twitter or Goodreads.
Publishers' Overviews
To My Assistant compiles everything that disgruntled and optimistic assistants everywhere promise NEVER TO DO when, one day, they have assistants of their own. From ridiculous requests and backhanded compliments to outright insults, and complete with helpful tips and tricks for Boss Wrangling—like what you can learn about your boss’s mood from his meal choices, how to navigate such professional minefields as requests for your opinion and interactions with your boss’s children and pets, and advanced translation techniques for incoherent e-mails and text messages—these pages are just what the underpaid masses need to survive (and laugh at) the daily injustices of life at the bottom of the totem pole.
How to Work for an Idiot is still the confessions of a recovering Idiot Boss. After decades of writing and consulting, Dr. Hoover finally realized that many of the people he kept trying to "energize" and "enlighten" were, well, idiots. More importantly, he was an idiot for thinking he could change them. This new edition of How to Work for an Idiot is bigger and better--and filled with even more idiots--than before. The same technology that has enabled cluelessness from the corner office to go viral can help you protect yourself and keep your inner idiot in check. Yes, the book goes that deep. Not every boss is an idiot, and not every idiot is a boss. Let Dr. Hoover help you find the wisdom to know the difference.
By applying her proven three-step program-Analyze, Strategize, Attack-and following her effective guidelines, readers will find more time for work, family, self-improvement, or whatever is most important to them. Time management is a learnable skill, and in this completely revised edition, Morgenstern provides the ultimate tools to combine, delegate, and eliminate unnecessary tasks; put technology to work; and stop procrastinating once and for all.
Here is our March list. To My Assistant: Things I'll Never Do to You But Many Other Crazy Bosses Will by Lydia Whitlock; How to Work for an Idiot: Survive and Thrive Without Killing Your Boss by John Hoover; Rude Health: Jokes for Doctors, Nurses; and the Medical Minded by Adrian Besley; and Time Management from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern. For more information about this and other meetings contact us at or visit us on Facebook, Twitter or Goodreads.
Publishers' Overviews
To My Assistant compiles everything that disgruntled and optimistic assistants everywhere promise NEVER TO DO when, one day, they have assistants of their own. From ridiculous requests and backhanded compliments to outright insults, and complete with helpful tips and tricks for Boss Wrangling—like what you can learn about your boss’s mood from his meal choices, how to navigate such professional minefields as requests for your opinion and interactions with your boss’s children and pets, and advanced translation techniques for incoherent e-mails and text messages—these pages are just what the underpaid masses need to survive (and laugh at) the daily injustices of life at the bottom of the totem pole.
The trials and tribulations of the hard working people who fix us when we're broken have given birth to a brand of humor like no other. Dark and irreverent, this is a hilarious collection of one-liners, anecdotes, tall tales, and real-life comedy from the world of medicine—the perfect gift for a doctor, nurse, dentist, psychiatrist, paramedic, or anyone with a connection to the medical profession.

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