Looking Back at April Since 2004

Selections from Aprils past included The Hidden Messages in Water by Masuro Emoto; Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal by Eric Schlosser; The Secret by Rhonda Byrne; Joplin's Ghost: A Novel by Tananarrive Due; The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi; and Poetry 100 Years edited by the Poetry Foundation.
Eric Schlosser made me rethink eating fast food and Masuro Emoto inspired me to temper my speech. SDS members shared their creative sides, reciting their original poems when we met to review the Poetry Foundation's Poetry 100 Years. My April favorite remains Marjane Satrpi's The Complete Persepolis. Satrapi begins her story within a historical context, providing the reader with a greater understanding of how the social and political changes in Persia played a significant role in her life. I was inspired by Satrapi's strength and courage to be her authentic self. What was your favorite for April? Share your pick at sistersofthedesertsun@gmail.com. Remember to visit us on Goodreads, Facebook and Twitter.
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