"Here Comes the Sun" by Nicole Dennis-Benn - SDS Pick for October 2017
There was a tremendous amount of excitement when I announced that Sisters of the Desert Sun would read emerging author, Nicole Dennis-Benn's novel, Here Comes the Sun for our October 2017 meeting. After reading her essay, "Who's Allowed to Hold Hands?" appearing in the September 1, 2017 issue of The New York Times, I knew our members would enjoy this author and her debut novel.
A fast read for SDS members, Here Comes the Sun took the reader to the other side of Jamaica's vacation paradise, the world of those who are native to the island and struggling to overcome circumstances of poverty through education and other means.
Sharing a hearty meal of rice and peas and jerk chicken, our members engaged in a spirited discussion over the contemporary social challenges Dennis-Benn presented in her book. Poverty, skin bleaching, homo-antagonism, sexual exploitation of children, prostitution and the displacement and marginalization of native islanders are some of the topics woven into this story about a mother, her two daughters and their hope for a better life.
As our meeting stretched across the afternoon, we tackled one issue at a time - within the context of the story and as part of the current, national and international discourse. It was the consensus of our group that while the controversial issues presented in the story made it a page-turner, it felt as if there were at least six underdeveloped stories in this book. Despite some members finding this frustrating, Sisters of the Desert Sun looks forward to what this author publishes next. Dennis-Benn's ability to stir emotion and provoke thought kept us engaged for almost five hours, which is why this work will remain on our "must read" list.
-Karen Rowe Gilliland
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