It's 2012! Sisters of the Desert Sun Start the Year with Fitness - Body, Mind, and Soul
Happy New Year, and best wishes for health and prosperity. Sisters of the Desert Sun is looking forward to an exciting year. We begin in January with a personal look at individual goals for health and wellness. Members will share book(s) that assisted them with making lifestyle changes or book(s) that they hope will inspire positive change. In addition, we intend to get physical and work up a sweat, learning new ways to stay active and be fit. For more information please email us at Here are a couple of titles that will be discussed: In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto and Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of 4 Meals - both by author Michael Pollan.
Hey! You know I'm getting ready to remove the "holiday insulation" :) One of my favorite books on diet is called " Women, Food, and God" by Geneen Roth, but I recently purchased a book call "Grub: Ideas for An Urban Organic Kitchen" Co-authored by Bryant Terry, the founding director of a NYC-based nonprofit called b-healthy!(Buidling Healthy Eating and Lifestyles to Help Youth)